Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Go the F**k to Sleep - Audio Version

Last month, I made a post about this hilarious new “children’s book” for adults by Adam Mansback called Go the F**k to Sleep.

Now, there is an amazing new audio version, narrated by none other than Samuel L. Jackson, and he really brings it to life! It’s now, even more f***king funny! And to be honest, it couldn’t have come at a better time, because my son has been having some serious teething issues lately and is having a hard time falling asleep, and/or staying asleep through the night. I love my son more than life, but I have to admit, this book expresses exactly how I felt tonight, and Samuel L kills it! Lol


** UPDATE ** Unfortunately, the full version of the reading that we originally posted is no longer available on YouTube, so we've updated it for a new teaser video, and you can visit to hear the full version