Sunday, July 10, 2011

6 Months Old

I cannot believe today my son turned 6 months old. I found myself stopping and staring him today, more then I ever have. To see this little being, so full of personality and life is truly overwhelming. I sat and watched him sitting up all by himself playing with his toys and I thought to myself, wow I am lucky... like really really lucky. He is such a special little person, and a huge part of my life and who I am at this very moment. To see him stare intently at certain object and analyze and wonder what they are makes me smile. To see him gather all his toys and pile them up on the right side of his body makes me wonder what is going on in that smart little brain of his. To see him extend his arms when he sees me makes my heart melt. Sleepness nights, exhausted days, poopy messes... it's all worth it. My little boy is growing up in front of my eyes, and today was more emotional then I ever thought it would be. I have been a mom for a short 6 months, but when I look at him, I feel as though I have loved him forever.