Saturday, May 28, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Happy 7 months Jagger!!

It’s really amazing how fast our children grow. It seems like just yesterday I gave birth to him, and he’s changed soooo much in just this short time. Sometimes, I wish I could keep him sweet and tiny forever, but at the same time, I love to watch him grow and develop into a magnificent little human being.

I can’t believe I only have a few more months of being a full time, stay at home mom, and then, back to work I go! I don’t know how our friends down in the good ol’ US of A manage with having only a short few months to spend at home with their babies. Fortunately, here in Quebec we get a 1 whole, wonderful year off.

How long is maternity leave where you’re from? What are your thoughts on the amount of time you get? Leave a comment and let us know!